Frequently Asked Questions

(401) 536-3371 - (508) 784-7750

Serving Rhode Island and Massachusetts

Rhode Island Turf Management LLC - Fertilization Programs - Weed Control - Mosquito Control - Lawn Care





  • How often should my lawn be treated?
    • Your lawn should be fertilized approximately every 6 weeks.
  • Why were my weeds not sprayed?
    • Weed control cannot be applied if the temperature is above 90 degrees, if there is rain forcasted, or if your lawn is under stress. Weed control is a balancing act between eliminating weeds and avoiding turf damage.
    • Will spraying for mosquitos affect beneficial insects such as bees?
      • When a property is treated for mosquitos flowering plants in bloom are not treated to prevent harm to the bee population.
  • Why didn't all of the weeds in my lawn die after they were treated?
    • Some resilient weeds require multiple applications to gain control and some weeds that you see may have not been present when your lawn was treated. This is why active broadlead weeds are treated during every application.
    • How often should I water?
      • While daily watering is reccomened the answer to this question varies. The amount of water your lawn needs depends on soil compositon, age of lawn, and weather conditions. Your lawn will require more supplemental water in the summer months than spring and fall.
  • Do you provide grass cutting or irrigation services?
    • While we do not provide grass cutting or irrigation services, we do work closely with many companies that specialize in these services as well as all other landscape services and would be happy to refer you to a company in your area.